Garden Center
Kokedama: Easy How-To Instructions
Are you a gardener with a minimalist vibe? Well then, kokedama will give you all the right feels! What is Kokedama? Kokedama, loosely translated as “ball of moss,” has become a popular trend in recent years, and for good reason. This Japanese art form eliminates planting pot use by wrapping moss around the root ball […]Read More...
Creating Humidity for Houseplant Health
Houseplants are like Goldilocks...sometimes there is too much humidity and sometimes not enough. However, somewhere it's "just right." Many of our houseplants hail from the tropics and grow in humidity of 50-80%, considerably more humid than our homes.Read More...
Insects In Winter
Now that we’re in the throes of winter, do you ever stop and think, “Where did all the bugs of summer go?” With the onslaught of frigid temperatures along with snow and ice, gardeners and homeowners alike hope and pray that these weather extremes will reduce local pest insect populations. But do they? Well, there’s […]Read More...
Don’t Miss Out on Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’
Are you trying to add drama and beauty to your shady spots but keep finding only bland, lackluster plants? You won’t want to overlook Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ with its stunning appearance and easy care. Introducing Brunnera macrophylla Also called Brunnera-Heartleaf and Siberian bugloss, this plant is a stunner for its delicate foliage. The broad, […]Read More...
Valentine Gifts From the Garden Center
Valentine’s Day is all about love, and if you love gardening, there’s no better place to find the perfect Valentine’s Day gifts than the garden center. Whether the gifts are for that someone special in your life or just to show some love to yourself or your garden, you can find a wide array of […]Read More...
Winter Gardener’s Calendar
Winter is a perfect time to plan! Curl up with your gardening books and the gardening magazines and catalogs you’ve received in the mail. Get out the gardening journal and start dreaming. General Landscape Clean up when you get a break in the weather. Remove fallen branches and downed evergreen clumps. Rake leaves to prevent […]Read More...
The Best Birdseed for Winter Finches
Gardening and landscaping may be at a standstill during the coldest, deepest days of winter, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing to enjoy in your yard. In fact, there are many beautiful birds that visit our yards only in winter, including whole flocks of fantastic winter finches. With the right bird feeders and the […]Read More...
Pruning Fundamentals
The first thing to look for when pruning a tree is broken, diseased or dead branches, all of which should be removed. Many deciduous shrubs can really benefit from annual pruning. Pruning not only controls the size of these shrubs, but it can also increase flower production and encourage colorful bark.Read More...
Bird Feeding 101: Low Maintenance Suet Feeding
Suet is a high-energy brick of animal fat and other ingredients to attract insect-eating birds. Because it is high in fat and calories, it is a quick source of heat and energy for birds and has been used as a good substitute for the insects that birds usually feed upon, but are not plentiful in […]Read More...
Insect Control Begins Now
It’s hard to think of insects in winter, but don’t forget the havoc these tiny creatures can bring to your garden – defoliating leaves, contaminating produce, even destroying complete plants. Before these pests begin to be a problem is the perfect time to take steps to control them. Why Winter Control? Late winter is the […]Read More...
Seed Viability
The perfect way to spend a cold winter’s day is commencing this year’s veggie, herb, and flower gardens. The gardening season begins in earnest in February with seed-starting, and seed-starting begins with an inventory of necessary supplies. To prepare for this endeavor, you will need: Seed-starting mix, containers (flats, peat pots, cell packs, etc.), labels […]Read More...
New Year Gardening Resolutions
As a new year begins, so do our garden plans. Winter is now halfway through; day length is increasing, and exhilarating notions of having the best garden ever consume our thoughts almost daily. Here are some resolutions to help make your dreams come true this gardening season. PLAN – A little garden planning goes a […]Read More...
Trimming a Rosemary Christmas Tree
Rosemary is a popular indoor herb plant used for culinary purposes and to enhance the décor for the holiday season. Thanks to their upright growth and needle-like foliage, these fragrant herbs make perfect miniature Christmas trees, but how can you help your plant keep its shape and be a beautiful home accent all year round? […]Read More...
Applying Horticultural Oil or Neem Oil
Autumn is an excellent time to apply horticultural oil. The oil smothers many soft-bodied insects and hard-shelled scales that are impenetrable to many insecticides, and can therefore help control some of the most stubborn insect populations. But is it right for your plants?Read More...
Tulips: Spring Starts Now!
Members of the lily family, tulips are native to central and western Asia. In the 16th century, they were introduced to the Netherlands where most tulip bulbs are grown today.Read More...
Outdoor Ornamentation
Do you miss the vibrancy of your flowerbeds and the rich, lush colors of your landscape once winter sets in? With warm weather pots, window boxes and hanging baskets already in place, decorating the outside of your house this winter will be a cinch!Read More...
Stuff a Gardener’s Stocking
Stocking stuffers don't have to be useless, jokey items that are quickly forgotten after the holidays. Instead, choose the appropriate stocking stuffers with a gardening twist, and even the smallest stocking will be filled with gardening fun for that special gardener in your life. No matter what type of gardener you want to buy for, we've got the right stocking stuffers for their green thumb!Read More...
Holiday “Cactus” (Schlumbergera varieties)
Have you noticed the odd-looking plants with neon bright flowers blooming since Halloween? You may know them as Thanksgiving cactus, Christmas cactus or Crab Cactus. Whatever you call them, they're certainly bright and cheerful, and bring a bold bloom of color indoors during the winter months.Read More...
Christmas Fairy Gardens
Let the magic of miniature fairy gardens give you the Christmas you've always wanted. You can create the garden and entry of your dreams without breaking the bank, redoing your landscaping or remodeling your home! Read More...
Forcing Bulbs for the Holidays and Beyond
Blooming baskets and pots of brightly colored forced bulbs make a fabulous holiday or winter gift for others and ourselves. What better way to dress up the holiday home or cheer up a long, cold winter, reminding us of impending spring?Read More...
As wildlife habitats are threatened by development, the creation of a bird-friendly environment that provides food, water and shelter is crucial to the existence of our wild bird population. Caring for our feathered-friends is an educational and enjoyable activity for the entire family that brings beauty and song to our lives.Read More...
All About Amaryllis
A bold, flowering bulb, amaryllis is popular for its winter blooming habit and makes a colorful indoor plant as well as a great gift for anyone with a green thumb. But how much do you really know about these familiar flowers? What Is Amaryllis? These plants are part of the flowering bulb genus Hippeastrum, which […]Read More...
The Great Squirrel Battle for the Bulbs
Autumn is the catalog time of year, when gardeners devour and drool over the spring-blooming bulb catalogs, eagerly fantasizing about next year's flowerbeds.Read More...
Fairy Garden Magic
Do you think your tiny balcony terrace means you can't have a grand garden? Are you looking for a clever and imaginative way to introduce a child to the world of plants? Have you ever dreamed of your own "McGregor's Garden?" One of the newest gardening trends can do all these and a whole lot more!Read More...
Entrance Way Evergreens
Cool and classic or chic and contemporary, no matter what your style, you'll always be proud of an entrance flanked with beautiful containers highlighting just-right evergreens. Read More...
Fall Chrysanthemums
No flower is more iconic of autumn than the chrysanthemum, and these beautiful mounding perennials are ideal for fall flowerbeds, pots, window boxes, borders, and many other uses. How will you get creative with chrysanthemums this fall? Why We Love Chrysanthemums Just when many other flowers are fading at the end of summer, chrysanthemums, or […]Read More...
Fall Mulching Pros
Mulch can add a protective layer to any fall garden, flowerbeds, or shrubs, but is it best for your landscape? Understanding the pros and cons of fall mulching can help you better prepare all your plants for the changing season. Benefits of Fall Mulching There’s no denying that when done properly, mulching in fall can […]Read More...
Autumn: Why Plant Now?
Although many gardeners plant trees and shrubs in the spring, knowledgeable gardeners plant in the fall to take advantage of all this fabulous season has to offer. But why is fall planting better than spring planting? Stress ReductionTransplanting causes stress as plants are removed from containers, balls or established locations and changed to new locations. […]Read More...
Repotting Houseplants
Fall is an excellent time to repot many houseplants. Potted plants that have been growing outdoors during the summer have probably grown quite vigorously due to the high light levels and greater humidity.Read More...
Over-Wintering Container Plants Outdoors
All containerized plants that are considered hardy in your zone can spend the winter outdoors, but you do need to take a little special care to keep them safe and comfortable as temperatures drop. Despite their hardiness, winter is still a challenging season, but it is possible to keep your container plants healthy until the days grow longer and warmer again.Read More...
Bringing Your Tropical Plants Indoors for the Winter
As the summer comes to an end and autumn approaches, the days get shorter and cooler temperatures signal the time to ready your plants for winter. How can you protect your treasured tropicals from winter damage? Overwintering Tropical Plants Don’t wait until frost warnings or freezes occur to bring tropical plants inside, especially since these […]Read More...
Fall Lawn Care
Fall is the best time of the year to overseed your existing lawn or establish a new lawn. If your lawn is a bit thin, has bare patches or needs good care, now is the time to take care of it so it can become thoroughly established before warm temperatures arrive in spring.Read More...
Plant a Tree This Fall
There are so many reasons to add a new tree to your landscape this fall that it's hard to find a reason not to.Read More...
Fall Has Arrived But Spring Is Already in Our Sight
It’s a sure sign that fall has arrived when dozen of boxes and crates, adorned with brilliant images of spring-blooming bulbs, appear on garden center shelves. Take a closer look through the pretty packaging, however, and what you see may seem totally unimpressive. It is hard to believe that in just a few short months […]Read More...
Summer Lavenders
Do you enjoy making herbal or floral bouquets and wands to scent the house? Maybe you're into the lavender cooking trend or like to infuse playful summer drinks with a floral touch. Perhaps you recognize the aromatherapy or medicinal qualities of lavender.Read More...
Growing Zucchini
Zucchini is one of the most popular vegetables choices for growing in the home garden. Not only is zucchini easy to grow, it is also tasty and nutritious, as well as versatile in a number of recipes. All summer squash, including zucchini, are rich in beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamins C and E and numerous healthful minerals.Read More...
Growing and Storing Herbs
Growing herbs, whether inside or out, may be one of gardening’s most gratifying experiences. Because of their beauty and versatility, herbs may be grown amid vegetables, ornamentals or in a garden dedicated strictly to their kind.Read More...
Summer Watering Tips
As the days heat up, watering can become a dreaded garden chore and too many gardeners use wasteful techniques that use plenty of water but don't give their plants the moisture they really need. Make watering plants easier and more efficient with the proper practices and tools...Read More...
Gardening With Children
By gardening with your children or grandchildren, you can give them an awareness and appreciation of nature and the world around them that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Even very young children enjoy helping with simple garden chores such as weeding, spreading mulch and harvesting.Read More...
Tent Caterpillars
"Ugly" "disgusting" "gross" and "creepy" are just a few things gardeners say when they see tent caterpillars. Not only are they visually unattractive, but the hundreds of caterpillars within a tent can defoliate a shrub or tree in a matter of days. Fortunately, the attack is seldom fatal.Read More...
Vegetable Gardening Tidbits
Are you ready to make the most of your vegetable garden? Try these tips and tidbits for everything from easier weeding to stopping pests to enjoying a hearty harvest!Read More...
Dealing with Powdery Mildew
One of the most common and easy to recognize plant diseases, powdery mildew, is caused by fungus spores that overwinter in garden debris and are spread by wind the following season. In late spring and early summer, the warmer days and high humidity provide perfect conditions for spore germination.Read More...
Supporting and Training Tomato Plants
Tomatoes are the unparalleled beloved staple of the summer veggie garden, but to get the best yield and quality, proper support and training are essential. These techniques not only help maximize fruit production but also ensure the health of the plants. Allow us to walk you through various methods to help you achieve the greatest […]Read More...
Basil: King of the Herbs
It's edible, a member of the mint family and ornamental. Grown for over 5,000 years, it flavors foods around the world and is well-known in many household kitchens... Have you guessed yet?Read More...
Garden Accents
Landscape accents have become increasingly popular as many of us have discovered the joys of outdoor living. Used creatively, accents can turn your garden into a magical wonderland. This summer, we invite you to view our many new and exciting garden accent product lines, including popular items such as...Read More...
Crazy for Coneflowers
Beautiful and dependable, Echinacea purpurea, or purple coneflower, is the crowning glory of the summer perennial garden. A member of the Aster family, all Echinacea species are native to North America. The genus Echinacea is derived from the Greek ‘echino’ meaning hedgehog, a reference to the spiny center disc flowers.Read More...
Bringing Butterflies to the Backyard
In spring, female butterflies will be mostly concerned with finding their species’ specific host plants on which to lay fertilized eggs. Instinctively, they know they must find plants to ensure that their caterpillars will have appropriate food for survival after hatching. Both male and female butterflies will be looking for flowers with nectar for their own survival. Read More...
Versatile Hydrangeas
Tall or short, red, pink, purple, blue, white and shades in between, few shrubs provide the versatility of hydrangeas. Generations of gardeners have loved and designed their gardens using these showy shrubs as summer privacy screens, landscape focal points and beautiful cut flowers. Now, thanks to new hydrangea introductions, there are even more ways to use them.Read More...
Pruning Red Raspberries
There's an unfounded rumor that raspberries are difficult to prune. This isn't true if you understand the type of raspberry in your garden. Summer-bearing raspberries produce only one harvest per year while everbearing, or fall-bearing, raspberries can produce two harvests.Read More...
Gussy Up the Veggie Garden
A vegetable garden is the ultimate in practical landscaping, and a thriving veggie patch can not only be a bountiful supplement to a grocery budget, but also an enjoyable hobby and great exercise as you sow seeds, nurture plants and take up your delicious harvest. One thing a vegetable garden does not need to be, […]Read More...
Battling the Bugs of Summer
In the summer months, insects can take their toll on your plants if you are not on the alert for problems. If the right product is used at the right time and under the right conditions, however, pesticides can be reduced to a minimum and your plants will be well-protected.Read More...
General Soil Amendments
The number of soil amendments sold in garden centers often confuses gardeners. These products fall into two categories, inorganic and organic.Read More...
Growing Mint in Your Herb Garden
Many of us love mint. With many different flavors of mint available at garden centers, it is easy to want to plant one of each. Planning ahead makes this possible to do, but lack of planning may have you tearing them all out.Read More...
Why Is Deadheading Your Flowers Important?
Deadheading should be a regular garden task to maintain beautiful blooms, but why? What is the purpose of deadheading, how does it affect flowering plants, and how can you do it more effectively to make the most of every bloom? About Deadheading Deadheading is simply the process of removing faded, wilted, browning, or dead flowers […]Read More...
Rock Gardens
Rock gardens can be amazing options for challenging spaces in your landscape, whether your yard has poor soil, narrow sections, steep terraces, deep shade or other concerns. You can even design a rock garden anywhere just to enjoy their elegant lines, varied texture and easy care. But how do you put in a rock garden? […]Read More...
Milkweed and Monarchs
In nature, few relationships are as intricate and essential as that between the Monarch butterfly and the milkweed plant. Famous for being the most recognized insect in the US, these vibrant winged beauties rely on milkweed not only for sustenance but for their very survival. Sharing this fascinating relationship between Monarchs and milkweed with you, […]Read More...
Rose – Queen of the Garden
We all love roses. It may be the fragrance, color or the flower form that attracts us. It may be the memories that roses evoke. Whatever the reason, roses are one of the world's most popular flowers.Read More...
Planting Basics – Trees & Shrubs
Are you ready to add trees and shrubs to your landscape? Of course, we can do the planting for you. But if you’d like to do it yourself, here’s what you need to know: Soil Preparation How quickly and how well trees become established once they are planted is affected by the amount of stress […]Read More...
Try Delosperma
"Ice plants" refer to several types of plants, usually having fleshy thick leaves. However, after an introduction to Delosperma, you'll know it as the real-deal. As a group of tough groundcovers, they flourish in full sun in well draining soils with little water, after becoming established. Plus, they're colorful!Read More...
Determinate Versus Indeterminate Tomatoes
Halleluiah, it's tomato-planting time again! If you've grown tomatoes in the past, you most likely have your favorites. If not, just ask! You'll find some pretty strong opinions regarding tomato choices. Read More...
Viburnums are one of the most outstanding groups of shrubs for use in landscape planting. Varying in height from 2-30 feet, viburnums can be found to suit most any planting location. Their varied growth habits, excellent foliage, striking and fragrant flowers, showy fruit and interesting winter appearance make them an excellent choice for most gardeners. […]Read More...
Choosing the Right Flowering Tree
Purchasing a tree for your landscape is an investment that can raise the property value of your home and bring you pleasure, beauty and shade for many years to come.Read More...
Strawberries: Home Grown in Hanging Baskets
Do you grow strawberries? Ripe, sweet, juicy strawberries are the number one favorite fruit in the US and are definitely worth the garden space. However, if you have a small or limited growing space, raising strawberries in hanging baskets offers a creative and space-saving solution while adding a decorative touch to outdoor areas. Benefits of […]Read More...
Growing Vegetables in Pots
You don’t need expansive acreage to grow a thriving vegetable garden. In fact, growing vegetables in pots can be very productive and can bring a delicious, healthy harvest to your home no matter what type of garden space you may – or may not – have to work with. Why Grow Vegetables in Pots? Whether […]Read More...
Early Spring Gardener’s Calendar
* Plan your summer vegetable and herb garden. We offer a wide selection of seeds that include all of your favorite annuals, perennials, vegetables and other novelties as well as many hard-to-find selections. Inventory your pots and flats and discard unusable ones. Make a list of the supplies you will need. Test your garden soil […]Read More...
Putting on Airs: Tillandsias
Looking for something easy to grow? Tillandsias should be on the top of your list. Tillandsia is the largest genus in the Bromeliad family with over 650 species that vary in color, size, texture and shape. In their native habitat, Tillandsias attach themselves to trees and rocks using their roots. They derive the nutrients and […]Read More...
More Than Just Mulch
Not only does mulch add a decorative finish to your flower beds, it also keeps the soil cool and moist and thus reduces the need for watering. By using a pre-emergent herbicide with mulch, weed seeds are discouraged from germinating and growing. But which mulch should you use? Types of Mulch There are several types […]Read More...
Tremendous Turf
The benefits of turf grass as a ground cover are numerous and often undeclared or overlooked. In recent years, turf has gotten a bad reputation due to the belief that a beautiful lawn requires a lot of hard work and overuse of dangerous chemicals. This is a misconception and the benefits of turf can far […]Read More...
A Feast for the Eyes
Traditionally, when planning a vegetable garden, the focus has been primarily on function with aesthetics as an afterthought – a productive harvest has usually been more important than any visual appeal. This year, why not try a new approach? Thoughtfully combine beauty and performance to create an edible garden that will explode with a variety […]Read More...
Protecting Our Pollinators
Every garden requires pollinators, and bees are among the finest. Without them there would be limited flowers and far fewer fruits and vegetables. Did you know that about 30 percent of the food we eat depends on the pollination of bees, including onions, cashews, coffee, carrots, chocolate and vanilla? If we don’t protect these prolific […]Read More...
Spring Lawn Renovation
Spring is the ideal time to spruce up your lawn. After a long winter, you can easily see where any bald, bare or thin patches exist, as well as where weeds or fungus may be taking over the lawn. Fortunately, there are easy ways to set your lawn to rights! Seeding If you are planning […]Read More...
Creating a Meditation Space in Your Garden
Gardening can be a relaxing, therapeutic hobby as you nurture seedlings, encourage growth and bring your harvest to fruition. But if you just want to take a moment to breathe, reflect and center yourself, it isn’t necessary to get out the garden clogs, sharpen your hand tools or get dirt under your fingernails. Creating a […]Read More...
What Is the Difference Between an Annual, a Perennial, and a Biennial?
All living creatures, including plants and flowers, have expected lifespans. Recognizing the differences between annuals, perennials, and biennials can help you determine the life expectancies of different garden center plants so you can choose the varieties that will work best in your garden, landscape, and containers. Annuals Annual plants are fairly straightforward. These plants complete […]Read More...
Baptisia Briefing: Growing A North American Native
Baptisia australis, commonly known as false indigo or wild indigo, is a stunning perennial plant beloved by gardeners in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 through 9. It offers numerous benefits, from environmental to aesthetic, while also being relatively easy to care for. Here are some reasons why adding Baptisia to your garden can be a great […]Read More...
Edible Flowers
Flowers aren’t just for beautiful dining table centerpieces anymore! For all you “foodies” out there, who also love flowers, are you aware that there are numerous blooms that are not only edible but also delicious? Flowers make a striking, colorful, textural and flavorful addition to soups, salads, baked goods and more. Safety First There are […]Read More...
The Best Birdseed for Winter Finches
Gardening and landscaping may be at a standstill during the coldest, deepest days of winter, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing to enjoy in your yard. In fact, there are many beautiful birds that visit our yards only in winter, including whole flocks of fantastic winter finches. With the right bird feeders and the […]Read More...
5 Most Common Houseplant Pests
It’s not unusual or a sign of failure if houseplants become infested with some common potted plant pests. This problem is more pervasive when introducing newly purchased plants to the home, moving tender houseplants from the outdoors back inside with the changing seasons, and finally, when houseplants are under stress. These buggers can wreak havoc, […]Read More...
Holiday Staycation
No matter the reason, staying at home during the holidays doesn’t have to be a disappointment. Instead, a holiday staycation can be a true celebration of home and family, creating new traditions and making memories to enjoy all year round. Benefits of Staying Home for the Holidays It is normal to be disappointed if you’re […]Read More...
Fantastic Fall Shrubs
Shrubs can be real showstoppers in fall as they provide layers of color and texture to your autumn landscape. Adding these top 5 fantastic fall shrubs to your yard can bring the beauty of the season to all your beds and borders. Top 5 Fall Shrubs There are many stunning shrubs and hedges that offer […]Read More...
Holiday Gifts from The Garden
Your garden is filled with bounty, and not just during the growing season. With a bit of creativity and some help from your local garden center, you can find many lovely gifts and holiday accents in your garden and landscape, letting you share your love of gardening with friends, family members, neighbors, teachers, and everyone […]Read More...
Fall Gardener’s Calendar
Fall Gardener’s Calendar Spray Bonide All-Season Concentrate on hemlocks to control woolly adelgid. Spruce up the landscape by planting Flowering Cabbage & Kale, Garden Mums, Fall-Blooming Perennials as well as Trees and Shrubs. Pick up your Spring Flowering Bulbs now! To make planting easier, use a Bulb-Digger or an Auger. Apply Hi-Yield Superphosphate now to coax stubborn […]Read More...
Holiday Gardener’s Calendar
Winter is upon us. Depending upon the temperatures, there may still be time to finish remaining chores. If you have any questions about the following procedures or products, please come in and see us. We can help you select the correct dormant oil, fertilizer, selective herbicide and frost protection method. We’re always here to help. […]Read More...
Pruning Forsythia
Forsythia is a true spring favorite and never disappoints with its shocking yellow blooms atop a mass of unruly branches. This early-flowering shrub can thrive for decades on neglect but there will come a time, whether out of want or necessity, that your forsythia will require pruning. But how can you do so without dampening […]Read More...
Dividing Hybrid Hellebores
Hybrid hellebores bring us all sorts of happiness. These are one of the first plants to bloom in the late winter and early spring and are available in flower colors of chartreuse, cream, white, pink, red and deep purple. Hybrid hellebores are also those rare and treasured perennials that provide year-round interest, giving you the […]Read More...
Dealing With Winter Damage
It’s early spring – time to survey the damage that winter has produced. In some areas, shrubs may still be hiding under piles of frozen snow, and could be crushed or compacted. Severed tree limbs may lie scattered across the landscape, and bark may be torn and stripped from trunks. It’s difficult to know what […]Read More...
Pre-Emergent Control of Crabgrass
Did you have a crabgrass problem last year? Well, chances are, it’s gonna be even worse this year! Crabgrass is an annual lawn weed that dies once a hard frost hits. The main problem with this pest is the tenacious seed that it leaves behind after it blooms. Early spring is the season to control crabgrass […]Read More...
Herbs As Companion Plants
Practiced by organic gardeners for years, companion planting has become very popular for all gardeners. The concept is to plant together species that will benefit each other, to help prevent disease and insect infestation without the use of chemicals. In general, herbs and other aromatic plants like tomatoes, marigolds and onions are helpful in warding […]Read More...
Healthy Soil: Winter Cover Crops
It’s fall and our annual and vegetable gardens are winding down for the season. Now is the time to invest a little extra time and effort to prepare your soil for next year. Whether your garden is large or small, all annual planting beds will benefit from the addition of a winter cover crop.Read More...